Hao Zhou   (周昊)

Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford
Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Oxford, UK, OX1 3QD

Email: hao.zhou@cs.ox.ac.uk

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Short Bio

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford , working with Michael Wooldridge and Anisoara Calinescu. Prio to this, I received my PhD, supervised by Maria Kyropoulou and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, from the Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents (CCFEA), University of Essex in 2023.

My research interests include algorithmic game theory, computational finance, and agent-based financial modelling. I am highly interested in reasoning about the strategic behaviours in large-scale financial networks from both game-theoretic and empirical perspectives, as well as the applications of reinforcement learning in finance and economics.

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Teaching & Lab Assistant & Marking
